Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise


We did it—I’m pregnant until proven otherwise! Our little embryo babe is nestled in its home for hopefully the next nine months.

Everything went smoothly with the transfer and the embryologist said our embryo had already “hatched” out of its shell, which you can see if you zoom in on the photo.

I was completely conscious during the procedure and was able to see the catheter containing the embryo go into my uterus on the ultrasound machine.

As the embryo was released the doctor and nurse both exclaimed, “Beautiful.”

I felt calm all morning and through the procedure (I credit @mindfulivf and and all the love I am surrounded with) and truly felt delight during and after the transfer—what a gift!

I’m taking it easy the rest of the day and am looking forward to a post-transfer session with my favorite acupuncturist, Melsa.

Thank you all SO MUCH for your loving words of encouragement, hope, and of course rainbow pictures. It has all carried me through this journey!