Embryo Transfer #2


Embryo Transfer #2 is scheduled for 2.22.2020 and I’m *trying* to let my hopes run wild!

I heard today in my morning meditation (via @mindfulivf…an incredible app in case anyone is interested) that if you are full of hope for your transfer to work and it doesn’t, you are probably going to be devastated. But if you have no hope and your transfer doesn’t work, you are still going to be devastated. So what’s the point in not hoping!

Over the past month or so I’ve been on guard and struggling with a fear of letting myself hope for this transfer to result in a healthy baby. However just because we’ve experienced loss in the past does not mean it will happen again. I want to stay grounded in the present moment and not let what’s happened in the past or worries about the future control me.

I’ve also been practicing surrender. I do so by acknowledging that I’ve done everything I can to prepare for this transfer and now it’s time to open myself up to receiving what comes our way, whatever that may be. This could also be framed as cultivating my yin or feminine energy, which has been so helpful for me while trying to conceive.

I love synchronicities and this one feels especially fun so I’m going to lean into it! #2 on 2.22.2020 brings me a lot of delight! Though I won’t deny this journey has been extremely difficult at times, there have also been many things to delight in.

So that’s what I’m taking into this next transfer—hope, presence, surrender, and delight!