Episode 07: Photographer and Father Devin Travieso Chooses Love After Two Miscarriages

Choosing to love “with both feet in” is how father, husband, and photographer Devin Travieso chose to approach pregnancy after loss following two miscarriages. Devin has two daughters, including his rainbow baby, Charis, and has learned that vulnerability and presence are necessary to fully experience love. 

In this episode Devin speaks openly and honestly about what it was like to go through two back to back miscarriages with his wife, Johanna, and the hardships of repeat pregnancy loss. He also goes into detail about grief and pregnancy after loss from a father’s perspective and offers insight and guidance for other grieving fathers, who are unfortunately often overlooked. He emphasizes the importance of seeking connection during times of struggle and darkness.

Devin has shared about his family’s losses on Instagram and also posts beautiful photos of his family along with the images he shoots professionally at @wayfarerphotography_. I’m so grateful to be able to share his story with you and I know his perspective as a loss dad will provide important insight for other fathers and mothers alike. 

Please listen, subscribe, and review on Apple Podcasts.

And please share this podcast with anyone you know who is walking through life after pregnancy loss—whether they are trying to conceive, currently pregnant, or parenting after loss.

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