29 Weeks Pregnant

The countdown has begun! We’ve got eight weeks until our scheduled C-section, and I’m anticipating that it’s going to fly by. I’ve started weekly appointments with my OB and am about to start weekly non-stress tests with my perinatal specialist.

I feel like I’ve been running a marathon (though I’ve actually never done that!) and am finally able to see the finish line. We started our fertility testing one year ago and officially began the IVF process last October. If you also consider that we began trying to conceive in 2017, then this marathon has lasted about three years—eight more weeks feels like nothing!

In addition to preparing for our new baby, I’ve been doing a lot of writing and reflecting about everything we’ve gone through on our journey to start our family: stillbirth, C-section, recurrent miscarriage, fertility testing, more surgeries, and two rounds of IVF. It’s been such a hard road and now almost unimaginably, here I am, 29 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby.

Sometimes it’s easy for me to get caught up in looking forward, but I also don’t want to miss the present moment. I’m trying to enjoy these final weeks of pregnancy and soak up all the baby kicks and quiet time with my husband, Hunter. Holding onto peace, joy, and gratitude.