Featured in San Antonio Magazine


Exciting news...I’m featured in this month’s issue of San Antonio Magazine! I was so honored when they reached out to interview me. I felt validated—like the work I’m doing is meaningful. It also made me tear up to see Ellis’ name in print.

Sometimes it’s hard to know if my podcast and writing are having an impact. I started sharing my story of pregnancy loss after realizing that it happens to so many people, yet few talk about it.

Sharing makes me feel less alone and although it’s difficult to be vulnerable sometimes, I absolutely know it’s what I am called to do.

I’m an enneagram three type “achiever,” so being recognized like this means a lot to me. Yet what’s even more meaningful is that, on a regular basis, I receive messages from people who‘ve been impacted by what I’ve shared. Even though sometimes I’m unable to respond right away, each one means so much to me. That is why I do this work.

I hope this story will reach parents in San Antonio who‘ve experienced loss and help them to feel a little less alone and a little more hopeful. I also want people to see that, as my friend and fellow loss mama Shannon Pike says, we must have “hope unattached to outcome.”

Our pregnancy journey has not been easy but I still have so much hope that even in the midst of darkness and unknowns, there is good and beauty all around us.