2019: Grief, Rainbows, and Risk Taking


2019 is not ending the way we’d hoped—we learned yesterday that our first embryo transfer was unsuccessful. Though we’re disappointed on many levels, I don’t want 2019 to be defined only by grief and loss. It was also a year full of hope, rainbows, and risk taking.

I completed my yoga teacher certification and started teaching classes, launched the Rainbow Baby Podcast, joined a book writing cohort, took trips around the country, began IVF, finished the renovation of a 112 year old house, sold our first condo, started a new creative adventure @artsysatx with my mama, and completed my first year of a spiritual journey program focused on contemplative practices alongside my husband, Hunter.

Though my hope is a little jolted at the moment, I trust that 2020 is going to be full of love and new opportunities for growth. Here’s to the new year.