IVF Update: Pineapples and Other Prickly Things

IVF pineapples

I’ve learned that pineapples are a big symbol in the IVF community because there’s a belief that eating them before an egg retrieval increases your odds of success. I’m not too sure about that, but I do know that pineapples are prickly just like all the things I’ve been pricked with throughout this process! 

So far I’ve had 4 acupuncture sessions, 5 blood draws, and I’ve given myself 30 injections over the last 7 days. 

At this point I’m more than halfway done and it’s honestly going really well. Physically I feel good and haven’t noticed any side effects from the medications. Compared to everything I’ve already been through—recovering from a stillbirth and c-section, a 10-week miscarriage, and 4 chemical pregnancies—this isn’t nearly as invasive or hard on my body. 

If anything, the most difficult part has been prepping all the injections, but we’ve found ways to make the process enjoyable. Hunter helps prep the syringes and we light a candle, play music, and dance (I mean, we are making babies!), then he gently coaches me as I inject the medicine, repeating mantras such as, “feel the medicine working…enjoy the burn.” 

Emotionally, I feel excited, hopeful, and at ease. My focus right now is on keeping my stress levels low because stress hormones can interfere with sex hormones. I’m trying not to read about IVF (statistics, opinions, etc.) and instead I’m just trusting what my doctors are telling me. Normally I’m a data nerd but I’ve decided not to look at any of my numbers because I’m not a medical professional and I’m paying real ones to do that work for me. I’ve also been listening to a free app called Mindful IVF that has been so helpful in giving me positive affirmations throughout this experience.  

Yesterday I had bloodwork and an ultrasound that showed our 12 little follicles doubled in size and are right on track, which means we’re cleared to proceed with this cycle. Our next scan is Saturday morning and the egg retrieval will likely be next Wednesday. Please send us prayers for lots of healthy embryos. 

Thanks so much for your encouragement and for following along on our journey to a rainbow baby.